Controversy around Eat the Rich

Wow. I knew publishing "Eat the Rich" would be somewhat controversial, but I didn't quite expect the can of worms that I got.

I didn't intend to do a devlog for a small, silly 500-word game made in a day for a game jam, but I feel it would be irresponsible not to do so now.

Let me start with this: I respect your opinion, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with me.

Eat the Rich was meant to make the reader think and introspect. I'm not sure it achieved that entirely. A lot of people were deeply offended by the message, for various (and sometimes opposite) reasons. 

I've received more feedback than I expected, some of it in DMs and a lot of it in our public Discord.

I've taken the feedback and made some changes. The biggest issue was picking the "I'm poor" option and being told they were lying to themselves when compared to how little others have. Just reading the last sentence again, I get where they are coming from, despite the innocent intention. It missed the mark and came across as tone-deaf and combative and has been removed.

As writers, we are inspired by what we have experienced, and growing up as one of three children with a single mom on a teacher's salary in South Africa has obviously affected the way I see myself and others. I understand the original sentiment of "eat the rich" and the wealth disparity between the 1% and ourselves. But driving past the Alex township (one of many, many townships in South Africa) on the highway as a child, where almost half a million people live in one square mile with no running water, no toilets and almost no income at the time, I couldn't help but wonder, even as a lower-middle class income family, "am I part of the 1%?"

That was the intended message of "Eat the Rich", and I apologise to anyone who felt personally attacked or invalidated by playing the game.

As always, be safe, and be kind to others.

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11 days ago

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